Life Coaching For Creatives

Unleash your creative potential without all the chaos

Finally want to be free to do all the creative things you know you’re capable of but just can’t seem to hold it together long enough to make it work?

Step right in...

Our Life-Coaching for Creatives takes you from feeling stressed, overwhelmed and full of self-doubt to feeling like you can conquer the world!

Together, using the power of NLP and Arts Facilitation Practices, wee channel all your energy, ideas and passions into one beautiful unified vision so that you can do all of the things you want to do but just can't seem to get results on because your personality is working against you rather than for you.

On top of your game

  • Say goodbye to anxiety and depression and hello to confident and fulfilled

  • Welcome in all the new projects that you take on knowing that everything will be well-managed and that you’re not going to burn out

  • Become the true Powerhouse you’re known for being to everyone else (but don’t feel like you are anymore)

No more extreme highs and lows

When you get your creativity working for you instead of against you, you can finally get off the rollercoaster where you’re up one minute and down the next.

  • Keep cool and calm whilst still maintaining high energy levels

  • Build consistency and discipline in your life even if you’ve struggled with focus and routine in the past.

  • Get the best of all your “big-picture” thinking whilst also learning how to pay attention to the finer details.


Do more of what you love and less of what you don’t. Learn to live your life in accordance with what you gives great joy, whilst still keeping on top of all your daily routines.


Get all of your life projects playing together nicely under one lovely umbrella. No more overwhelm, confusion and exhaustion as you try to keep up with wide-ranging, competing ventures.


Unleash all the things that you know you were destined to do and haven’t yet been able to realise. Say goodbye to the frustration of wondering what the heck you’re MEANT to be doing and simply BE you at your best.

"You’ve helped me dispel the inner-gremlins of self-doubt and realise how truly brilliant I am"




"Everyone needs a Lorraine Adebowale in their lives! I totally wouldn’t be pushing myself so hard without your love and support"


Rachel Mildred, Entrepreneur